Terms and Conditions
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Unilever GlobalChange location
Electronic Invoice: We recommend you submit invoices electronically in this country. We have partnered with Carvajal to deliver this service. https://cenf.cen.biz/site/
Paper Invoice: On an exceptional basis, you are able to post a paper copy or email a scanned copy of your invoice to the appropriate Unilever address: Unilever Invoice receipt Addresses (XLSX 77.28 KB)
Check Payment Status: Check your invoice or payment status online using Unilever’s Supplier Portal. Refer to the below guide for more details: Tradeshift: How to view Invoice status and download report (PDF 1.35MB) to check multiple invoice status
Technical support: To contact Tradeshift’s Technical Support Team in order to create or access your Tradeshift account click below: Tradeshift Support Contact
Find the terms and conditions relevant to your market along with additional specific terms and conditions.