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Submit invoice - 5: Tungsten Vendor Query Portal (VQP) only

Applicable country:


We have partnered with Tungsten to show invoice status, both electronic (submitted via the government portal) invoice and paper invoice, (submitted to this Unilever legal entity).

Submit a paper invoice (International vendors only): To submit a paper invoice to Unilever in this country, use the following Unilever invoice receipt address: Unilever Invoice receipt Addresses (XLSX 77.28 KB)

Check Payment Status: Check your invoice or payment status online using Unilever’s Supplier Portal. Refer to the below guide for more details: Tungsten: How to view Invoices Status using Tungsten supplier Portal (PPTX 4.55MB)

Technical support: To contact Tungsten Technical Support Team in order to create or access your Tungsten account click below: Tungsten Support Contact

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