Terms and Conditions
Find the terms and conditions relevant to your market along with additional specific terms and conditions.
Unilever GlobalChange location
Unilever’s e-invoicing platform powered by Tungsten and Tradeshift, are applicable for the countries listed below.
NORTH AMERICA: Canada, United States.
EUROPE: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom.
SEAA: Unilever Asia Private Limited.
Below are some useful links that can help you invoice Via Tradeshift and Tungsten.
How to create an account in Tungsten
How to connect with your buyers
For other Tungsten guides please use this link: Tungsten Support
To register with Tradeshift to send invoices to Unilever please raise a ticket via the Supplier Help portal and mention your vendor number in the ticket. Our team will help you get connected with Tradeshift.
The guide below will help you send invoices via Tradeshift once your account is setup.
Submit invoices electronically to Unilever using Tradeshift Portal (PDF 1.06 MB)
E-Invoice Compliance:
Is your country planning for an E-invoicing mandate? Please check this link to get the updates: E-Invoice Compliance Update
Other options to submit invoices:
Paper Invoice: On an exceptional basis Unilever will accept a paper invoice, these can be submitted to the following addresses: List of Addresses (XLSX 77.28 KB)
If you are having issues submitting invoices through Tradeshift or Tungsten, please raise an IHD ticket using the Supplier Help portal.
Please note, Unilever cannot currently accept vendor PDF copy invoices by exception via email at present. However, we are progressing this technical option for the near future.
View Payment Status: Invoice or payment status can be viewed online on Unilever’s Supplier Help Portal.
North America - Mailing addresses can be different to billing and shipping addresses. The supplier should confirm address details with the service requestor.
For non-PO order exceptions (where no purchase order has been raised): invoices must include coding details (General Ledger account number, cost centre, profit centre, internal order) and approval or signature.
Foreign, service-based invoices should indicate if there was any travel included. If yes, please provide the destination.
France - Non-PO invoices: coding details to be provided by the vendor on the invoice image.
Poland - Exchange rate and VAT amount in PLN should be mentioned on invoices issued by Polish suppliers in foreign currency.
For invoices related fixed assets: please indicate if it is with or without instalment.
Nordics - Supplier should mention precisely the type of transaction (goods/services).
Italy - Custom invoices should have FAI documents attached.
Invoices billed by domestic vendors for 0% vat should contain the Article number.
Switzerland - In attachment of invoice image: ESR number should be mentioned for all documents when bank details are missing.
Hungary - TRD (Tax Reporting Date) should be mentioned on the invoice image
Group VAT number
EU VAT art quotation in case of an intra-EU invoice
For domestic invoices with foreign currency, the VAT amount should be mentioned in HUF
EU VAT act quotation in case of an export invoice
Reverse-charge phase in case of reverse-charge transactions
Czech and Slovak - TRD (Tax Reporting Date) should be mentioned on the invoice image.
Ensure “quantity and type of delivered goods or range and type of services provided” is included. If the list/description is too long and detailed, it should be part of an annex.
If goods are purchased goods from another EU country, the supplier should include:
Arabia - Guidelines for suppliers in Arabia (PDF 346KB)
Cote D'Ivoire -Guidelines for suppliers in Cote D'Ivoire (PDF 598KB)
Ethiopia - Guidelines for suppliers in Ethiopia (PDF 767KB)
Ghana - Guidelines for suppliers in Ghana (PDF 478KB)
Kenya - Guidelines for suppliers in Kenya (PDF 745KB)
Malawi - Guidelines for suppliers in Malawi (PDF 1,024KB)
Malaysia - Guidelines for suppliers in Malaysia (PDF 473KB)
Mozambique - Guidelines for suppliers in Mozambique (PDF 1MB)
New Zealand - Guidelines for suppliers in New Zealand (PDF 267KB)
Nigeria - Guidelines for suppliers in in Nigeria (PDF 483KB)
Philippines - Guidelines for suppliers in the Philippines (PDF 309KB)
Tanzania - Guidelines for suppliers in Tanzania (PDF 814KB)
Uganda - Guidelines for suppliers in Uganda (PDF 816KB)
Unilever South Africa - Guidelines for suppliers to Unilever South Africa (PDF 897KB)
UMCDA South Africa - Guidelines for suppliers to UMCDA South Africa (PDF 821KB)
Zambia - Guidelines for suppliers in Zambia (PDF 1MB)
Zimbabwe - Guidelines for suppliers in Zimbabwe (PDF 941KB)
Find the terms and conditions relevant to your market along with additional specific terms and conditions.