Sustainability ratings and rankings
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We voluntarily participate in a number of corporate sustainability benchmarks.
Specialist ratings agencies, NGOs, investment analysts, and academics publish a variety of ratings and rankings of our global sustainability performance. Sometimes this is a result of our engagement with them through questionnaires and in-depth discussions, and sometimes it is the agencies' own research, in part analysing the data and information we disclose on our website and through our Annual Report and Accounts.
Below is a summary of our performance in key rankings and ratings.
CDP Climate, Forests and Water
Unilever has submitted to CDP’s integrated questionnaire 2024 (PDF 3.01 MB). This includes responses to climate, water and forests (compromising palm oil, soy and paper and board).
CDP Climate
Unilever has submitted to CDP Climate 2023 (PDF 1.59 MB).
CDP Forests
Unilever has submitted to CDP Forests 2023 (PDF 1.32 MB) (compromising Palm Oil, Soy and Paper and Board).
CDP Water
Unilever has submitted to CDP Water 2023 (PDF 825.92 KB).
GlobeScan 2023
The GlobeScan Sustainability Leaders Survey is the largest and longest-running survey of its kind, tracking expert opinion on sustainability leadership across the world. Unilever has been named as a sustainability leader by GlobeScan for well over a decade and was ranked number two in the 2023 survey.
GlobeScan Sustainability Leaders Survey 2023
Gartner Supply Chain Masters Category 2023
The Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 ranking assesses business performance and peer company and Gartner analyst opinions. In the 2023 edition of the Gartner Supply Chain Top 25, we held our position in the exclusive ‘Masters’ category for the fifth year running. This recognises companies that have attained top-five composite scores for at least seven out of the last ten years.
The rankings are derived from financial and corporate social responsibility metrics as well as community opinion.
CDP Climate
Unilever was named on the A List for CDP Climate 2022 (PDF 1.44 MB). We have been on the Climate A List since 2013.
CDP Forests
Unilever was named on the A List for CDP Forests 2022 (PDF 1.19 MB) (comprising Palm Oil, Soy and Paper and Board).
CDP Water
Unilever achieved A- for CDP Water 2022 (PDF 821.37 KB)
S&P Dow Jones Sustainability Index 2022
Unilever was awarded S&P Global Gold Glass and is a member of DJSI World and DJSI Europe.
GlobeScan 2022
The GlobeScan Sustainability Leaders survey is the largest and longest-running survey of its kind, tracking expert opinion on sustainability leadership across the world. 2022 was the twelfth consecutive year we have been ranked by experts as the number one corporate sustainability leader.
GlobeScan Sustainability Leaders Survey 2022
Gartner Supply Chain Masters Category 2022
The Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 ranking assesses business performance and peer company and Gartner analyst opinions. In 2022, Unilever retained its entry in the Masters category for the fourth consecutive year. This category recognises companies that have attained top-five composite scores for at least seven out of the last ten years.
CDP Forests
Unilever was named on the A List for CDP Forests 2021 (PDF 1.2 MB) (comprising Palm Oil, Soy and Paper and Board).
CDP Climate
Unilever was named on the A List for CDP Climate 2021 (PDF 1001.98 KB). We have been on the Climate A List since 2013.
CDP Water
Unilever was named on the A List for CDP Water 2021 (PDF 797.38 KB).
S&P Dow Jones Sustainability Index 2021
Unilever was awarded S&P Global Gold Glass and is a member of DJSI World and DJSI Europe.
GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey 2021
Unilever was named the number one corporate sustainability leader by sustainability experts in the 2021 Sustainability Leaders survey, for the eleventh year running.
GlobeScan/SustainAbility Leaders Survey 2021
Gartner Supply Chain Masters Category 2021
The Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 ranking assesses business performance and peer company and Gartner analyst opinions. In 2021, Unilever again retained its entry in the Masters category which recognises companies that have attained top-five composite scores for at least seven out of the last ten years.
Gartner Supply Chain Masters Category
Global Access to Nutrition Index (ATNI) 2021
Unilever was named number 2 in the 2021 Global Access to Nutrition Index (ATNI), an independent rating of the nutrition programmes of the world’s top 25 global food and beverage manufacturers. We were ranked above average in every category and recognised for leadership in lifestyle and health & wellness of employees, marketing, product labelling and health & nutrition claims.
CDP Forests
Unilever achieved A- for CDP Forests in 2020 (PDF 6.3 MB) (comprising Palm Oil, Soy and Paper and Board).
CDP Climate
Unilever was named on the CDP Climate A List for 2020 (PDF 6.75 MB).
We have been on the Climate A List since 2013.CDP Water
Unilever was named on the CDP Water A List for 2020 (PDF 5.13 MB).
S&P Dow Jones Sustainability Index 2020
Unilever was named leader of the Personal Products sector in 2020. S&P Global
GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey 2020
Unilever was named the number one corporate sustainability leader by sustainability experts in the 2020 Sustainability Leaders survey, for the tenth year running (2011-2020). GlobeScan/SustainAbility Leaders Report 2020
Gartner Supply Chain Top 25
The Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 ranking assesses business performance and peer company and Gartner analyst opinions. In May 2020, Unilever retained its entry in the Masters category in recognition of its inclusion in the top 5 over 2013-2020. The Masters category recognises companies that have attained top-five composite scores for at least seven out of the last ten years. Gartner Supply Chain Top 25
Corporate Human Rights Benchmark
The Benchmark assesses human rights progress and is now part of the World Benchmarking Alliance. In 2020 Unilever ranked joint first overall and first in the agricultural products sector. Corporate Human Rights Benchmark
CDP Forests
Unilever was named on the CDP Forests A List for 2019, with leading performance in Palm oil and Soy.
CDP Climate
Unilever was named on the CDP Climate A List for 2019.
CDP Water
Unilever was named on the CDP Water A List for 2019.
S&P Dow Jones Sustainability Index 2019
Unilever was named leader of the Personal Products sector in 2019.
S&P GlobalGlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey
Unilever was named the number one corporate sustainability leader by sustainability experts in the 2019 Sustainability Leaders survey, for the ninth year running (2011-2019).
GlobeScan/SustainAbility Leaders Report 2019Gartner Supply Chain Top 25
The Gartner Global Top 25 Supply Chain ranking assesses business performance and peer company and Gartner analyst opinions. In May 2019, Unilever entered the Masters category in recognition of its inclusion in the top 5 over 2013-2019.
Gartner Supply Chain LeadershipPwC Building Public Trust Award
Unilever was recognised for its transparent sustainability reporting at PwC's Building Public Trust Awards in November 2019.
Building Public Trust2018
Access to Nutrition Index (ATNI)
Unilever was named number 2 in the 2018 Global Access to Nutrition Index (ATNI), an independent rating of the nutrition programmes of the world’s largest food and beverage manufacturers. ATNI commended our consistent focus on health and nutrition in the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan, responsible approach to marketing, Global Maternal Wellbeing Standard and efforts to address undernutrition. ATNI Global Index
Dow Jones Sustainability Index 2018
Unilever was named leader of the Personal Products sector in 2018. DJSI 2018 results
Dutch Transparency Benchmark
The Dutch Transparency Benchmark is carried out by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy to assess the quality of sustainability reporting of the largest Dutch companies. Unilever scored 185 points out of 200 in 2018. Dutch Transparency Benchmark ranking
GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey
Unilever was named the number one corporate sustainability leader by sustainability experts in the 2018 Sustainability Leaders survey. GlobeScan/SustainAbility Leaders Report 2018 (PDF 822.32 KB)
Gartner Supply Chain leadership
In September 2018, Unilever was awarded the top ranking in the 2018 Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 for the third year running. Gartner Supply Chain Leadership
CDP Forests
Unilever achieved A- on three of four forest commodities: timber, palm oil and cattle products in 2018. We scored B for Soy.
CDP Climate
Unilever was named on the CDP Climate A List in 2018.
CDP Climate LeadershipCDP Water
Unilever achieved a B for CDP Water in 2018.
Know the Chain
Unilever was ranked first in Know the Chain’s Food and Beverage Benchmark which assesses how companies are tackling forced labour abuses in global supply chains. We scored 69 out of 100 in 2018.
Corporate Human Rights Benchmark
The Benchmark assesses human rights progress across the apparel, agricultural products and extractives industries. In 2018 Unilever was ranked second in the agricultural products sector and fifth overall. Corporate Human Rights Benchmark
CDP Supplier Engagement Leadership
In 2017, CDP recognised Unilever as a world leader for supplier engagement. We were one of only 58 companies to be awarded a Performance Band A rating and named in the 'Supplier Engagement A List'. CDP Supplier Engagement Leadership (PDF 4.9 MB)
CDP Forests
Unilever achieved leadership and A’s on all four assessed commodities: Timber, Palm Oil, Cattle Products and Soy in 2017. CDP Forests Leadership
CDP Climate
Unilever was named on the CDP Climate A List in 2017.
CDP Climate LeadershipCDP Water
Unilever was named on the CDP Water A List in 2017.
CDP Water LeadershipDutch Transparency Benchmark
The Dutch Transparency Benchmark is carried out by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy to assess the quality of sustainability reporting of the largest Dutch companies. Unilever scored 185 points out of 200 in 2017.
Dutch Transparency Benchmark rankingDow Jones Sustainability Index 2017
Unilever was named leader of the Personal Products sector in 2017. DJSI 2017 results
GlobeScan/SustainAbility leaders survey 2017
Unilever was named the number one corporate sustainability leader by sustainability experts in the 2017 Sustainability Leaders survey. GlobeScan/SustAinability top ranking for seventh consecutive year
Gartner Supply Chain leadership
In September 2017, Unilever was awarded the top ranking in the 2017 Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 for the second year running. Gartner Supply Chain leadership
Corporate Human Rights Benchmark
The Benchmark assesses human rights progress across the apparel, agricultural products and extractives industries. In 2017 Unilever was ranked third in the agricultural products sector and sixth overall. Corporate Human Rights Benchmark
CDP Forests Leadership
Unilever achieved leadership and A’s on all four assessed commodities: Timber, Palm Oil, Cattle Products and Soy in 2016.
CDP ForestsDutch Transparency Benchmark
The Dutch Transparency Benchmark is carried out by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy to assess the quality of sustainability reporting of the largest Dutch companies. Unilever achieved the highest ranking of all assessed multinational companies in 2016.
CDP Water Leadership
Unilever was named on the CDP Climate A List in 2016.
CDP WaterCDP Climate Leadership
Unilever was named on the CDP Climate A List in 2016.
CDP ClimateDJSI 2016 results
Unilever was named leader of the Household & Personal Products Industry Group in 2016.
Dow Jones Sustainability IndicesGlobeScan/SustainAbility top ranking for sixth consecutive year
Unilever was named the number one corporate sustainability leader by sustainability experts in the 2016 Sustainability Leaders survey. GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey
Gartner Supply Chain leadership
In May 2016, Unilever was awarded the top ranking in the 2016 Gartner Supply Chain Top 25. Gartner Supply Chain Top 25
Oxfam Behind the Brands leader
Unilever achieved top position in the 2016 Oxfam Behind the Brands Scorecard. The campaign assesses and rates agricultural sourcing policies of the world’s ten largest food and beverage companies.
Know the Chain
Unilever ranked first in Know the Chain’s Food and Beverage Benchmark on how companies are tackling forced labour abuses in global supply chains. We scored 65 out of 100 in 2016.
Know the ChainCDP Supply Chain recognition
Unilever was named on CDP’s Supplier Climate A List.
ATNI Global Index leader
Unilever was named second in the Global Access to Nutrition Index (ATNI), a ranking of the world’s 22 largest food companies based on their contribution to tackling obesity and undernutrition. We were commended for our work on product reformulation and nutrition labelling. Access to Nutrition Index
PwC Building Public Trust Award
Unilever was recognised for its transparent sustainability reporting at PwC's Building Public Trust Awards in November 2016.