Sustainability reporting standards
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We support efforts to standardise sustainability reporting. On this page we provide details of our voluntary reporting against a number of standards.
The World Economic Forum and the International Business Council (WEF IBC) have defined Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics and disclosures to align environmental, social and governance indicators within mainstream reporting. See our WEF IBC Disclosure Index (PDF 164.46 KB) for reporting on the ‘Core’ metrics.
GRI Index
The Global Reporting Initiative's (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines provide a comprehensive set of Reporting Standards covering economic, environmental and social impacts. They have informed our reporting for many years.
Our 2021 sustainability reporting and disclosure was prepared 'in accordance' with the core option of the GRI Standards. See our 2021 GRI Index (PDF 317.53 KB).
The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) has industry-specific sustainability standards which identify financially material topics and associated metrics.
We have prepared a document which summarises where relevant SASB disclosures can be found throughout Unilever’s reporting, based on the standards for the Household & Personal Products sector (the sector in which Unilever is normally classified given that this represents the greater share of our turnover). See SASB Mapping for Unilever Sustainability Metrics (PDF 118.35 KB).
United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress
As a founding signatory of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), we are committed to the Compact's ten principles on human rights, labour standards, environment and anti-corruption. We report on our activity around the Principles in our annual Global Compact Communication on Progress, see our 2022 Communication on Progress (PDF 385.31 KB) self-assessment and our UN Global Compact CEO Leadership Statement (PDF 76.14 KB).
Following a change to the UN Global Compact’s Communication on Progress requirements, we no longer produce a standalone Communication on Progress.