While we are clear that this is not a cure or proven way to prevent the transmission of coronavirus, the results are very promising, and given the critical stage of the pandemic we feel it is important to share them so that people are aware of the potential benefits of CPC containing mouthwashes alongside other preventative measures.
Glyn Roberts PhD, Head of Unilever Oral Care Research and Development
Unilever has confirmed that preliminary lab test results[a] show that a mouthwash formulation containing CPC Technology, reduces 99.9%[b] of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, after 30 seconds of rinsing.
The preliminary test results on SARS-CoV-2 build on existing Unilever research published on the biology research platform bioRxiv, and follow ongoing discussions in the global medical and scientific community around the potential use of mouthwash as an additional measure to reduce the transmission of the virus. Research into the duration of the effect continues, but a previous study[c] on a small group of patients infected with COVID-19 suggest that viral load – the amount of virus particles a person is carrying - may be reduced in the mouth for up to six hours by using mouthwashes containing CPC.
These preliminary test results, showing the efficacy of CPC Technology against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, are the latest in a large range of studies that are evaluating the efficacy of mouthwash technology against a number of viruses. In the tests we have done, only CPC Technology has to date shown positive results consistently.

The virus that causes COVID-19 spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose, which has been detected before, during, and after the acute phase of illness, as well as in asymptomatic cases[d]. Therefore, reducing the viral load in the mouth could help to reduce transmission. The findings indicate that mouthwash could become an important addition to other protective measures like handwashing, physical distancing and mask wearing.

Glyn Roberts PhD, Head of Unilever Oral Care R&D, says, “The results of the study are a promising step on our journey to understanding how mouthwashes could help reduce the spread of coronavirus[e], alongside other preventative measures. Although our research is ongoing, we are sharing the results now so people can consider introducing a CPC-based mouthwash into their daily routine.
“We are committed to making CPC-based products available in as many countries as possible in the coming months[f]. Mouthwash products from other companies containing CPC could also have a positive effect, and we are sharing the findings in the spirit of openness and collaboration. We encourage others to continue research into the role that oral care products may have as an additional preventative measure during the pandemic.”
Eminent scientists have reviewed the Unilever research data and agree that it is in the public interest to share the results widely.
Professor Iain Chapple, Head of Research for Institute of Clinical Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK says, “Given its long history of safe use, and wide availability across the world, using a mouthwash that contains CPC Technology could offer a simple, effective, and safe step for people to take alongside existing COVID-19 protection and prevention measures as recommended by their health authorities. The results are promising and warrant further exploration with in vitro and human clinical studies. These are important to understand the substantivity of the anti-viral effect, in other words how long it lasts for in vivo. People should also continue to take all other existing precautions against the spread of the virus, including physical distancing, hand and surface hygiene, and face coverings.”
Dr Angela Rasmussen, PhD, Associate Research Scientist at the Center of Infection and Immunity at the Columbia University School of Public Health, adds, “While research has previously been published into the effect of mouthwashes against surrogate coronaviruses, this is the first study in a laboratory to demonstrate that mouthwashes containing CPC can be effective against the actual virus responsible for Covid-19, and that they do indeed lower the viral load in recognised tests of mouthwash use. Other research on the duration of effect of CPC in a mouthwash on bacteria and coronavirus would suggest that the reduction in infectious viral load is likely to be sustained over time. This effect has also been demonstrated on a small sample of COVID-19 patients.”
In vitro test which attempts to simulate viral load in the mouth
Results subject to final audit
Efficacy of commercial mouth-rinses on SARS-CoV-2 viral load in saliva: Randomized Control Trial in Singapore (non-Unilever research)
WHO: https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus#tab=tab_1 and L.L. Fernandes et al., Journal of Dental Research, 1–9 https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0022034520960070
All references to coronavirus refer to ‘SARS-CoV-2’, the virus strain responsible for Covid-19
Excluding North America