What’s at the top of your ‘to do’ list?
Ending world hunger, stopping climate change and fighting for gender equality are headlining ours.
They may sound like impossible targets, but a new campaign launching today suggests that if we collectively take action on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (aka Global Goals) and work towards them, we could make the seemingly unachievable, achievable.
The brainchild of Project Everyone, a not-for-profit creative communications agency headed up by Love Actually screenwriter Richard Curtis, The World’s To Do List campaign is calling on companies around the world to sacrifice some of their business space, be it online or in the real world, and dedicate it to raising awareness about the importance of the Global Goals.
That’s why over the next week, sticky notes featuring the Global Goals will be appearing across Unilever’s websites and social channels as well as projected onto the London HQ. They will be covering up our brand logos online and included on employee’s social posts… all as a reminder that the planet and its people have to come first.
How the Global Goals are at the heart of our business
Although we’ll be highlighting the seven Global Goals below this week, the reality is that our business plan, the Unilever Compass, reflects a commitment to working towards achieving all 17.
Our €1 billion Climate and Nature Fund, for example, was launched to help our brands run nature positive projects that will help combat climate change over the next ten years. And our Positive Beauty vision aims to harness the power of our beauty and personal care brands to help improve health and wellbeing and advance equity and inclusion.
In the same way, through our Future Foods commitments, we are working to transform global food systems so that they are fairer, less wasteful and better for the health of people and the planet. And our Clean Future initiative is committed to replacing 100% of the carbon derived from fossil fuels in our Home Care formulations with renewable or recycled alternatives by 2030.
“The world faces enormous challenges, from runaway climate change to hunger and dire poverty. Interconnected issues that will not be solved unless we take collective action – across businesses, governments and civil society,” explains Rebecca Marmot, Unilever Chief Sustainability Officer.
“The Global Goals give us a clear framework to help us tackle these challenges and deliver a thriving planet and society by 2030. We are committed to playing our part, and are hopeful that we’ll collectively cross items off this critically important ‘to do’ list.”
Uncover the brands that are making a difference

Zero hunger (1 of 6)

Everyone deserves access to good food. That’s why our food brands are working to create a less wasteful, healthier, more sustainable global food system.
✔ Moving to plant-based foods – Knorr is working to make plant-based Future 50 Foods that are better for people and the planet the accessible and desirable choice for all.
✔ Make food work harder – By fortifying everyday food with vital vitamins and minerals, Horlicks is ensuring every serving is packing an important nutritional punch.

Good health and wellbeing (2 of 6)

Health inequalities and social exclusion have no place in the world. Our soaps, toothpastes and household cleaners are working to tackle the barriers that hold people back.
✔ Creating more inclusive products – By creating products that give people the confidence to move more – whatever their fitness level or abilities – Rexona is ensuring a level playing field for everyone.
✔ Making oral care fun for kids – Poor oral care can lock children out of opportunities and limit their potential and self-esteem. Signal’s Big Brush, Little Brush campaign makes sure keeping teeth healthy is easy, thanks to its clever app, booklet and stickers.
✔ Providing vital skin care for the vulnerable – Vaseline is providing essential skin healing care to the millions of people living in poverty and emergency situations around the world.

Gender equality and Reduced inequalities (3 of 6)

Diversity and inclusion have been core to our business for many years. We are now taking that momentum and going further – in the pursuit of equity. We want fair treatment and fair access to opportunities, information and resources for all, so that everyone can thrive in truly inclusive societies.
✔ Dream bolder & bigger – Sunsilk’s Explore More! education programme, in partnership with NGO Girl Rising, works with young girls, equipping them with the skills to identify their strengths, re-imagine their goals and exercise agency to achieve them.
✔ Champion Real Beauty – Dove’s campaigns, from fighting digital distortion to embracing natural hair, continue to fight for a woman’s right to be herself.

Clean water and sanitation (4 of 6)

We’re fighting the dangers of poor sanitation and hygiene by helping millions of people gain access to clean toilets, keep their homes clean and improve hygiene behaviours.
✔ Clean toilets: Domestos’s purpose is to win the war against unsafe sanitation and poor hygiene. Through the Cleaner Toilets, Brighter Futures programme, it is ensuring children aren’t missing out on learning and helping boost their self-worth.
✔ Better hygiene: Lifebuoy’s newest campaign #H forHandwashing advocates for greater emphasis on handwashing education in curricula across schools by fundamentally changing the way the letter H is taught to millions of children around the world.

Responsible consumption and production (5 of 6)

Today’s throwaway culture is costing us the earth. That’s why we are working to keep waste in the economy and out of the environment.
✔ Reducing food waste: Working with food experts, celebrities and NGOs, Hellmann’s is inspiring and enabling people globally to be more resourceful with food and waste less.
✔ Fighting fast fashion – Comfort’s new fabric conditioner keeps clothes looking good for longer, reducing the amount of new clothes we need to buy, and thereby the carbon footprint of our wardrobes.
✔ Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Love Beauty and Planet is committed to reducing packaging waste by packing recyclable bottles in 100% recycled plastic and offering low plastic and refillable alternatives.

Climate action (6 of 6)

A net zero emissions world is possible and we have an ambitious plan to take Unilever to net zero by 2039. We’re transitioning to renewable energy across our operations, finding new low-carbon ingredients and developing fossil-fuel-free cleaning and laundry products. We’re harnessing our power to encourage change well beyond our business.
✔ Inspire a new generation – The Dirt is Good project is empowering young people with challenges, tools and ideas to take action to help create a better world. Getting clothes clean shouldn’t come at a price for our world, and that’s why with DiG we’re committed to finding new ways to protect our climate, the environment and the fine natural balance that sustains life on earth.
✔ Taking action: Activist brand Ben & Jerry’s has supported staff and encouraged customers to join the Global Climate Strike and youth climate strikes movement.
✔ Changing behaviour: Pukka Herbs is encouraging consumers to switch to renewable energy at home and reduce kettle boiling, which is its biggest impact from ‘crop to cup’.