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Our brands

are on a mission to create a better planet and society


A range of Unilever brands being used in the home.

Detailed description

A jar of Hellman's mayonnaise, a woman cooking dollops mayonnaise on top of some fajitas.

A man grabs a can of Axe deodorant before spraying himself with it.

A range of Lux products.

A woman scoops spaghetti from a Knorr pasta pot and eats it.

A woman pumps Vaseline Moisturiser into her hand before smoothing it onto her hands.

Clear shampoo being squeezed from a bottle into someone’s hand. The same person washes her hair with Clear shampoo.

Two people mirroring each other's walk each holding a Magnum, followed by a close-up of a Billionaire magnum with the layers being poured onto the ice cream.

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We own iconic brands

  • >75%of turnoverfrom our 30 Power Brands
  • 9.4 billioninvestment in our brands and marketing
  • 3.4 billionpeopleuse our products every day

Five brand families, one brand ambition

Doing good sits at the heart of everything we do. So when you spot a Unilever logo whilst scrubbing, brushing, licking or sipping one of our products, you can feel proud that we are committed to creating a better world for everyone.

Beauty & Wellbeing

We believe in Positive Beauty, Healthy Lifestyles. We’re embracing a new era of beauty and wellbeing. One that’s inclusive. Equitable. Regenerative. Positive.

Brands you may know: Dove, Sunsilk and Vaseline.

€13.2 billion turnover in 2024.

Personal Care

We believe in caring for people and planet. Through our brands, we’re taking action to drive positive change.

Brands you may know: Rexona, Dove, Lifebuoy and Axe.

€13.6 billion turnover in 2024.

Home Care

Superior. Sustainable. Great value.

Clean Future is our strategy to tap into a vast segment of consumers who want easy and delightful experiences with products that are sustainable and, importantly, great value.

Brands you may know: OMO, Domestos, Cif and Comfort.

€12.3 billion turnover in 2024.


We are a Force for Good in Food.

We strive for a future where our food system can put good food on 10 billion plates while caring for our planet.

Brands you may know: Hellmann’s, Knorr and Horlicks.

€13.4 billion turnover in 2024.

An Asian street scene at night with people walking between lit up signs.

Our strategy

Our strategy begins with a purpose that places consumers at the heart of everything we do: Brighten everyday life for all

Looking across the River Thames with Blackfriars Bridge on the right and Unilever House on the opposite bank

Investor relations

We believe the winning businesses of tomorrow will be those which anticipate and respond to the huge changes shaping people’s lives across the world.

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